Getting assaulted by another person is a frightening experience. Some assaults are simply intimidating and do not result in major injury. Other assault scenarios have more serious consequences for the people involved.
Assaults can produce a variety of different injuries. Some people have a black eye or a bloody nose after getting punched. They may recover completely within a few weeks. Others have more serious, lasting medical issues to address.
In such cases, the people injured in an assault may need to consider holding the person who attacks them accountable. What are some of the more serious medical issues that could arise after an assault?
1. Traumatic brain injuries
Getting punched even once could change the course of an individual’s life. A particularly strong assailant or medical vulnerability on the part of the victim could increase their risk of sustaining a traumatic brain injury (TBI) during an assault.
A moderate or severe TBI can cause permanent changes to the structure of the brain. People may develop symptoms ranging from memory issues to difficulty balancing as they walk. Brain injuries can affect earning potential and cost tens of thousands of dollars or more to treat.
2. Broken bones
An assault doesn’t necessarily involve a punch. It could also involve pushing or kicking a person with the intent to injure them. Assaults can result in people falling. When an individual falls, they might break a bone.
People can break their arms, collar bones or shoulders when they fall during an assault. Particularly violent assaults that involve grabbing or twisting body parts could also result in broken bones or dislocated joints.
3. Post-traumatic stress disorder
Scenarios that cause a person to fear for their own safety could lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms. The person attacked may have flashbacks when they see someone wearing a certain type of coat or smell a certain scent.
They may become averse to social interactions or certain types of public spaces. Treating PTSD can be very difficult. Even the best treatment options do not always result in a successful reduction or elimination of symptoms.
People dealing with the medical consequences of an assault may need to consider taking legal action. A successful lawsuit can help people recover medical expenses, lost wages and even lost earning potential. Holding assailants accountable for the consequences of their violence may help people move on with their lives after an attack.